View route by car to rent for the Sierra Calderona
Visit Calderona's natural park
La Sierra Calderona is a natural park found between the provinces of Castellón and Valencia, it seperates the deep valleys from the rivers Palencia and Turia and due to the proximety to Valencia city (20 Km.) it is considered as the green heart of Valencia. It was declared a natural park in 2002 by the government of Valencia.

In the park there is a variety of leisure options, you can enjoy, and the recreational areas are situated mainly in the Portacoeli and Saint Esperit area, you can also practise all kinds of sports, like rock climbing in Las Peñas de Guaita, or pothling in Cueva Soterranya or just enjoy hiking while going to the mirador del pico Garbí where you can enjoy a view of the regions of La huerta de Valencia and el campo Morvedre.

Also, the historical past of la Sierra has left good examples of the old settlers lifestyle through the monuments La Cartuja de la Vall de Crist, La Cartuja de Portacoeli, El Convento de Sant Esperit o El monasterio del Puig.