The best spanish Podcasts for your road trip

We bring you a selection of the best podcasts for travelers in the field of personal development in Spanish. An exceptional companion to enjoy the pleasure of driving and at the same time learn infallible tips and tricks to become a successful professional.

Best travel podcasts

Are you one of those tireless people who are always thinking about business projects? Do you want to improve your productivity? Be more creative? We bring you a curated list of the best road trip podcasts in Spanish, for you to check the latest news and trends in the business world and learn or improve another language.

Talks, contributions and relevant reflections, tips and tricks of the greatest professionals and international gurus, speeches by opinion leaders and the best books, publications and recommended websites, to make road trips your most productive moment of the day. Take note.

Podcasts for entrepreneurs

  • TED: Who does not know TED? The first great platform that popularized the voices of the contemporary world’s most inspiring personalities. Millions of people have attended TED talks around the world. The best thing is that you can listen to the presentations whenever you want, through their podcasts here. 

  • Books for Entrepreneurs: in each episode, Luis Ramos, a real wiz at entrepreneurship podcasts in Spanish, synthesizes a book on productivity, marketing, sales or business models. It is highly recommended!

  • Direct marketing: In your ivoox channel you can listen to more than 700 marketing  and  advertising podcasts with information updated in real time, so you are always up to date

  • Víctor Martín: This speaker specialized in digital marketing is one of the leaders in Social Media and entrepreneurship. Do not miss his interviews with relevant people in the digital business world at “The Success Academy”

  • Entrepreneur life: Cross borders and learn from Latino references in entrepreneurship and business.

Business travel podcasts

Podcasts for personal development and healthy habits

  • Super HABITS:  In  this super habits podcast you will learn   strategies and way of life to increase your performance more an entrepreneur and as a person. Reading recommendations, tips for successful entrepreneurship and much more.

  • Jabe Fitness: It  is without doubt one of the best health podcasts for drivers willing to learn how to prepare the ultimate breakfast. If you are one of them, this podcast addresses this and other very interesting topics: how to read the product labels, false myths about food and whether the latest miracle diet is really good for you.

Podcasts for team management

The best traveler podcasts on business management and success in 2019. Do you want to improve your leadership abilities? These podcasts are for you:

  • Leadership today: the number one podcast on team management in Spanish. Víctor Hugo Manzanilla, CEO of Salarius LTD, tells you the latest developments and trends in finance and economics and helps you develop your leadership potential, to grow professionally while helping your team grow. Not to be missed. 

  • How I built this: if you understand English, we especially recommend this podcast. You will hear the story of the most powerful people in the current business world and how they came to triumph.

Podcasts to sell more and better

  • Shut up and sell: listen to the podcast for salespeople with tips and tools that help any salesperson become successful. As they put it, “these are tips to become a sales   bas*ard”
Road trip podcasts

Podcasts for online marketing

  • Social FM: An interesting choice of weekly news about social media and online marketing that you can find on your Spotify channel. The perfect overview of the most relevant news of the digital world, analysis and advice to improve public speaking with clients in less than an hour.

  • The SEO machine: Learn about positioning with a true expert. Andrés Kloster, a specialist in website monetization podcasts, shows you his best tricks to get visits for your business.

If you have never listened to podcasts while driving, we encourage you to start with TED talks, one of the most varied, when you get the taste, we invite you to continue with one that deals with more specific topics to expand your business vision.

What do you think about this list of road trip podcasts? Did you already know any of them? We have prepared a selection of the best we know, those that make you wish the trip is not over yet because the program is too interesting.

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